Terms And Conditions

General Terms

This agreement outlines the utilisation of various conditions governing the services provided on Our Site (hereinafter referred to as “our site”). Our website is accessible globally, subject to internet connectivity. If you agree to all our terms and conditions, feel free to proceed and utilise our website. BY USING AND ACCESSING OUR WEBSITE, YOU UNCONDITIONALLY ACCEPT ALL OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS.

The Company reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. Any revisions to these Terms & Conditions are promptly posted on our website. By continuing to use our website, you agree to abide by its Terms & Conditions and Privacy Statement as outlined below, including any modifications made. If you do not agree to these policies, please refrain from using this site.

Online Services Agreement

This Agreement is entered into by SwissTrades365, owned and operated by Ninety One Group Ltd, registered under company registration number: 2024-00157. Our registered address is #10 Manoel Street, Castries, Saint Lucia. It applies to both the Site and Trading Platform, as well as to the content and/or software presently accessible on the Site, providing customers with real-time currency exchange rate information, program transaction services on the Forex market via internet, telephone, or fax, and any additional features, materials, or services that SwissTrades365 may incorporate in the future (the “Services”).

Membership Eligibility

Our Services are accessible to individual clients or businesses with a legally binding contract under applicable domicile laws. Without limitation, our Services are not available to individuals under 18 years old, who have not reached legal age (“Minors”). If you are a Minor, you are ineligible to use our services. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING THIS SITE IF YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE.

We disclaim any liability for unauthorised use by minors of our Services in any manner. Our Services are intended only for individuals experienced in financial matters. If you are financially literate, capable of assessing risks and benefits, and can afford potential losses, you may proceed to use this site. You have full authority and sole responsibility for any decisions made on this Site. We do not assume responsibility for evaluating your level of knowledge or experience, nor for any losses resulting directly or indirectly from your Site use. Our services are not offered in jurisdictions that prohibit the financial services provided by SwissTrades365. Additionally, we reserve the right to deny access to our Services to anyone at our sole discretion.

Registration Information and Requirements

For safety and security, during registration, you must provide specific identification details and documents. You bear sole responsibility for safeguarding your account login and password with SwissTrades365. Any harm resulting from improper or illegal use of your SwissTrades365 account is solely your responsibility.

You acknowledge and agree to furnish entirely accurate and truthful information about yourself during registration. You commit not to impersonate any other individual or entity, nor conceal your identity from SwissTrades365 for any purpose. If registering as a commercial entity, you affirm possessing full authority to legally bind that entity to this Agreement. SwissTrades365 places great value on this information and handles it with utmost care. Details provided during registration are securely stored and treated with the highest level of confidentiality.

Legal Restrictions

Financial regulations vary globally, and it’s your duty to ensure compliance with the financial laws in your jurisdiction before using this Site. Access to our services or activities on our site does not imply compliance with your domicile’s financial regulations. It’s crucial to verify that funds deposited into your SwissTrades365 account are not sourced from illegal activities like drug trafficking or kidnapping.

Limited Licence

SwissTrades365 grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to access and use the Site, subject to your adherence to the terms of this Agreement. You agree not to resell or display the Site to any other person, and accessing the Site does not authorise you to reproduce any documents on the Site for resale or other purposes without prior written consent from SwissTrades365.

You agree to use all material obtained from SwissTrades365′ information systems solely for conducting transactions within the Site’s limits. Any unauthorised use of the Site is your responsibility and a breach of this agreement. You also agree not to misuse the electronic communication feature of the Site for illicit, offensive, or abusive purposes. The licence granted to you will be terminated if SwissTrades365 determines that any information provided by you, including your email, is inaccurate or if you fail to comply with the terms of this Agreement.

All terms and provisions outlined herein are also applicable to the SwissTrades365 trading platform, including the execution of transactions outside market rates. In the event of a breach, you agree to cease using the Services. SwissTrades365 reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, to revoke your access to all or part of the Services, terminate any open transactions, and delete any information or content within a Service.

Risk Disclosure

By continuing to use this Site, you acknowledge and accept the associated risks. Our services are intended for customers capable of withstanding potential financial losses. Clients investing on SwissTrades365 understand the inherent risks of financial services and possess experience in market risk management. Trading involves risk, and you may lose some or all of your initial investment. Only invest funds you can afford to lose, and familiarise yourself with the risks of CFD trading beforehand. We strongly advise seeking guidance from an independent financial consultant if you have any doubts.

Complaints & Dispute Policy

In the event of any dispute between the client and the Company, efforts will be made to negotiate a resolution in good faith. If an agreement cannot be reached, either party may refer the dispute to confidential arbitration proceedings conducted by a sole arbitrator under the ICC ADR Rules, with the arbitrator’s decision being final and binding.

These arbitration proceedings, as outlined, shall be conducted without limitation. Services provided on the site are offered exclusively in Saint Lucia or any other agreed-upon location. Moreover, this clause establishes the exclusive jurisdiction for arbitration, prohibiting either party from referring disputes to their domicile courts.

Furthermore, SwissTrades365 maintains transparent procedures for handling complaints from existing and potential retail clients. Records of complaints and the actions taken for resolution are meticulously kept to ensure fair and consistent treatment while upholding the highest standards of customer service.

Financial Information

Through its Services, SwissTrades365 offers a diverse range of financial information sourced internally or from Third Party Providers. This includes market data, quotes, news, analyst opinions, and research reports, among other data. However, it’s essential to note that this information does not constitute investment advice; it is provided solely as a service.

SwissTrades365 and its Third Party Providers do not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, or sequencing of the financial information provided. This information may become unreliable due to various factors, such as changes in market or economic conditions. Neither SwissTrades365 nor its Third Party Providers are obligated to update this information.

SwissTrades365 reserves the right to discontinue the flow of financial information at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to verify the reliability of the information on the Site and its suitability for your purposes. SwissTrades365 bears no responsibility for any claims, damages, or losses arising from the use of information contained on or referenced by the Site.

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SwissTrades365 may provide links to third-party websites, but such links do not imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation with those sites, their owners, or suppliers. It is your responsibility to assess the risks associated with accessing or using these sites before proceeding. These links are provided for convenience only, and by using them, you agree that SwissTrades365 is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from your reliance on the content, products, or services offered on other sites.

Trading Cancellation

SwissTrades365 reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to deny or cancel services, and/or withhold profits from any individual for valid reasons, including, but not limited to:

  1. If SwissTrades365 has grounds to suspect that an individual’s activities on the Site may be unlawful;
  2. If SwissTrades365 could incur fiscal or commercial harm as a result of the user’s actions;
  3. If SwissTrades365 determines that one or more actions on the Site or the trading platform have violated this Agreement.


SwissTrades365′ trading services are prohibited in the following countries as well as sanctioned countries:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Crimea Region
  3. Cuba
  4. Iran
  5. Iraq
  6. Israel
  7. Japan
  8. North Korea
  9. Sudan
  10. Syrian Arab Republic
  11. USA
  12. Yemen

Payment Procedure

Every withdrawal request submitted undergoes thorough review by SwissTrades365′ finance department. To process your demand, identification documents are required. Expect a processing time of up to 3 business days. Upon approval, please allow an additional 5 days for the funds to reflect in your account.

Below are the minimum withdrawal amounts applicable to SwissTrades365 trading accounts: USD – $100, EUR – €100, GBP – £100, ETH – 0.1, LTC – 1.5, Dash – 0.3, BTC – 0.026.

Additional Information

In certain cases, you might be required to provide additional information to facilitate your withdrawal. If necessary, our support team will reach out to you to request this information before proceeding with your withdrawal request.

Added funds

SwissTrades365 offers enticing rewards to both new and existing clients, including additional funds and one-time trading credits as part of its promotions program. However, it’s essential to note that these added funds are subject to specific terms and conditions that may change over time.

To withdraw the added funds, clients must fulfil a trading volume requirement of at least 1 lot for each $1 of added funds. Only after meeting this condition can the added funds be withdrawn from the account. Any attempt to withdraw funds before meeting the specified trading volume requirement will result in the immediate cancellation of the withdrawal request.

In the event of any discrepancy or error in the addition of funds, clients have a window of 3 business days to report the issue to the support or complaints team. Failure to do so within this timeframe will result in the added funds being treated as authorised transactions, subject to the aforementioned withdrawal conditions.

It’s crucial for clients to adhere to ethical trading practices when utilising the added funds. Any fraudulent activities, such as manipulation or cash-back arbitrage, will result in the account being terminated, and any accrued profits or losses will be nullified.

Third-Party Software

SwissTrades365 facilitates access to third-party software, but it’s crucial to understand that these services are independent of SwissTrades365. Clients utilising third-party software must acknowledge and accept the associated risks and terms and conditions. SwissTrades365 disclaims any responsibility for actions, losses, errors, or complaints arising from the use of third-party software.

Limited Liability

We are committed to maintaining the ongoing provision of Services on the Site. Nonetheless, we bear no liability for errors, omissions, deletions, interruptions, delays, defects in operation or transmission, communication line failures, theft, destruction, unauthorised access, or alteration of the Site or Services. We disclaim responsibility for any issues or technical malfunctions arising from telephone networks or lines, computer online systems, servers, providers, hardware, software, or any technical failures due to problems or congestion on the Internet, the Site, or any Service.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we shall not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from the utilisation of the Site or Services, including any content posted on or through the Site or Services, or the behaviour of any and all users, whether online or offline.


Governing Law and Jurisdiction – This Agreement shall be governed by the law applicable in Saint Lucia

SwissTrades365 firmly opposes money laundering and actively supports the fight against individuals involved in such illicit activities. It adheres to the guidelines established by MONEYVAL (Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures). MONEYVAL operates as a continuous monitoring mechanism within the Council of Europe, an organisation comprising 47 member states, directly reporting to its primary body, the Committee of Ministers. Entrusted with evaluating adherence to key international standards aimed at combating money laundering and terrorist financing, MONEYVAL also assesses the effectiveness of their implementation and provides recommendations for enhancing national systems. Additionally, MONEYVAL conducts comprehensive research on the thematic typologies of money laundering and terrorist financing techniques and trends. Originally an observer to the FATF, MONEYVAL attained associate membership status in June 2006.

SwissTrades365 has implemented measures to discourage individuals from engaging in money laundering. These measures consist of:

    1. Ensure clients possess legitimate forms of identification.
    2. Keep detailed records of identification data.
    3. Verify that clients are not identified or suspected terrorists by cross-referencing their names with lists of known or suspected terrorists.
    4. Notify clients that the information they provide may be utilised for identity verification purposes.
    5. Carefully monitor clients’ financial transactions.
    6. We do not accept cash, money orders, third-party transactions, transfers from exchange houses, or transfers from Western Union. Money laundering refers to the process of disguising funds derived from illegal activities to appear as if they originated from legitimate sources when moving through the financial system.

Money laundering typically involves three stages:

A. Initially, cash or its equivalents are introduced into the financial system. Subsequently, the funds undergo transfers or movements across various accounts, such as futures accounts, through a sequence of financial transactions aimed at concealing their origin. This may involve executing trades with minimal financial risk or transferring account balances between different accounts. Lastly, the funds are reintegrated into the economy, creating the impression that they originated from legitimate sources. For instance, this could involve closing a futures account and transferring the funds to a bank account.

B. Trading accounts represent one avenue that can be exploited to launder illicit funds or obfuscate the true ownership of the funds. Specifically, a trading account can facilitate financial transactions that obscure the origins of the funds. As a precautionary measure, SwissTrades365 directs fund withdrawals to the original source of remittance. International Anti-Money Laundering regulations require financial service institutions to remain vigilant against potential money laundering abuses that may occur within customer accounts and to establish compliance programs to deter, detect, and report potentially suspicious activities. These guidelines are implemented to safeguard both SwissTrades365 and its clients.

Intellectual Property

All content, trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, and icons featured on the website belong to SwissTrades365, its affiliates, or agents, and are safeguarded by copyright laws and international treaties. By using the Site, you agree not to modify or erase any copyright notices or other indications of protected intellectual property rights from any material you print or download. You acknowledge that you shall not gain any intellectual property rights or any right or licence to utilise such material or the Site beyond what is expressly stated herein. The images displayed on the Site are the exclusive property of SwissTrades365.

You consent not to upload, post, distribute, or reproduce any information, software, or other materials protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights (including rights of publicity and privacy) without obtaining prior consent from the copyright owner and the written authorization of SwissTrades365.


You undertake to defend and indemnify our Company, along with its officers, directors, employees, and agents, and to absolve them from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, arising from or in connection with your access to or use of the Site or Services; your violation of any terms in this Agreement; or your violation of any applicable laws or regulations.

Term and Termination

The duration of the Agreement is indefinite; however, SwissTrades365 reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time by providing notice to you. Upon termination, you will no longer be able to initiate new transactions.

Refund Policy

SwissTrades365′ team ensures timely processing of all withdrawal requests, requiring traders to undergo the KYC identification process. Traders must submit all necessary documents and additional information to facilitate the secure and accurate processing of their funds.

Withdrawal requests are typically handled by SwissTrades365 within 4-7 business days upon receipt. However, the processing time for withdrawals to be refunded to traders may vary depending on traders’ compliance, withdrawal methods, and any additional security policies in place. Clients are encouraged to regularly check with their respective banks independently.

Refund requests are exclusively processed through the same method used for the initial deposit. For instance, if funds were deposited via a credit/debit card, withdrawals can be made through the same method. Similarly, if the initial deposit was made through a bank wire transfer, refunds can only be retrieved via a bank wire transfer.

For any inquiries regarding withdrawal requests, traders are welcome to reach out to our support team for assistance.

Trading Fees

A rollover fee is incurred when maintaining positions overnight during trading activities. For individual retail traders in the market, this fee encompasses the amount that SwissTrades365 will either charge or pay on your behalf for holding a trading position overnight.

Fee: Cryptocurrencies pairs: 0.01%

Withdrawal Fee: Via Credit / Debit card = 5%

Bank Transfers: SEPA: 10 USD /10 EUR/10 GBP; Rest: 25 USD / 25 EUR / 25 GBP

Inactivity Fee: An inactivity fee is levied if there is no trading activity or a minimum of 3 open positions for the amount of 100 USD/EUR/GBP for a period of 30 days or more (as from the first month).

Fee: 5% per month

A verification fee is applicable based on the duration it takes for clients to submit their KYC documents to verify their trading account. Further details can be found on our KYC Policy Page.

SwissTrades365 Premium Trading Accounts Fees and Charges

  • Management Fee: In our commitment to upholding top-tier service standards for our traders, we institute an annual fee. This fee serves to comprehensively address the operational and functional expenses linked with your account. Generally, it constitutes approximately 2% of your fund’s net asset value (NAV) throughout a 12-month duration.
  • Performance Fee: This fee serves as an incentive fee, acting as a reward for achieving positive returns. As part of our performance fee structure, we commonly assess 20% of your fund’s profits. This fee model is triggered when your fund exceeds a pre-established profit threshold.

For additional clarification regarding our fees, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer care team.

How our Performance Fee is calculated:

In this scenario, consider an investor who has allocated $100 to a hedge fund manager within a hedge fund.

Automatically, the hedge fund manager collects a 2% fee, leaving $98 to be invested in any asset class, such as stocks, bonds, and/or commodities. In this specific example, the investment was profitable, yielding a return of $110. A 20% fee is then deducted from the hedge fund as an incentive fee, which is derived from any profits generated. Thus, a total of $12 is allocated to the fee, equating to $2.4. This leaves $107.6, rounded up to $108 in this case, to be returned to the investor.

For some time now, the 2/20 fee structure has been considered the more traditional model. However, hedge fund managers face mounting pressure to lower these fees. In 2019, Preqin observed slight decreases in the industry’s fee structure, reducing the average management fee to 1.50% and the performance fee to 19%. To mitigate the risk of prematurely taken performance fees, potentially triggering investors to exercise a claw-back provision, the implementation of a hurdle rate and/or high-water mark is advisable.

  • Discounts for Capital Lockup

During a lock-up period, investors are restricted from making any selling decisions regarding a specific investment, with expectations not to redeem or sell shares of said investments. Lock-up periods serve two primary purposes:

  • hedge funds
  • start-ups/IPOs

The significance of lock-up periods lies in providing fund managers with the necessary time to exit investments deemed unfavourable, whether due to illiquidity or an unbalanced investment portfolio.

To ensure investors have ample time to exit an investment without adversely impacting the overall portfolio, hedge fund lock-ups typically range from 30 to 90 days, varying based on the underlying investments of each fund.

For long/short funds invested in liquid stocks, the lock-up period typically spans one month. Conversely, hedge funds dealing in thinly traded securities, such as distressed loans, tend to have longer lock-up periods. Some hedge funds may even have no lock-up period at all, contingent upon the fund’s investment structure.

Upon the conclusion of the lock-up period, investors retain the freedom to redeem their shares according to the predetermined schedule, often quarterly. To facilitate a smooth transition, a notice period of 30 to 90 days may be provided, allowing fund managers adequate time to liquidate underlying securities and ensure seamless payment to investors.

Hedge funds have the flexibility to offer substantial discounts to investors willing to commit to a specified lock-up period, typically six months to one year. Employing this strategy allows hedge funds to allocate sufficient time to investments requiring longer-term horizons while granting clients a reduced fee structure. With SwissTrades365, discounts of up to 5% are offered as part of this arrangement.

  • Additional Fees
    Various forms of fees may be applicable to your SwissTrades365 account, depending on your trading activity. These fees include:
  1. Overnight Funding Fee
    The Overnight Funding Fee is either charged or added to your account if you maintain a trading position open overnight, as per our trading platform time. This period, which we denote as the “Overnight Funding Time,” occurs if you choose to keep your trade open beyond a specific hour.
  2. Currency Conversion Fee
    Whenever you execute a trade involving a currency different from the one specified for your SwissTrades365 trading account, a Currency Conversion Fee is applied. This fee is automatically reflected in real-time within the unrealized profit and loss of your open position on your SwissTrades365 account.
  3. Guaranteed Stop Order
    The Guaranteed Stop Order serves as a risk management tool, particularly in relation to the Stop Loss level. It guarantees that your position will close at a specific requested rate. However, it’s important to note that activating this feature may result in a wider spread.
  4. Inactivity Fee
    The Inactivity Fee is applicable only when there is no activity in your account for a period exceeding 3 months. If your account remains inactive for 3 months, a fee of up to $10 per month will be deducted from your SwissTrades365 trading account. Should you fail to log into your SwissTrades365 trading account thereafter, this fee will persistently be charged from your balance for as long as there is no login activity.
  5. Deposits and Withdrawals Fees
    We rarely impose fees when transferring funds to and from your SwissTrades365 trading account. Any fees incurred typically arise from your payment issuer or bank, rather than from SwissTrades365

Occasionally, we may levy a fee for surpassing the maximum number of monthly withdrawals. This can occur with international credit card transactions, incoming/outgoing bank transfers, and/or transactions involving unsupported currencies (Forex conversion).

General Clause

SwissTrades365 assumes no liability to any individual in the event of force majeure or due to the actions of any government or legal authority.

Should any provision of this Agreement be deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain fully effective. The failure of a party to enforce any right or provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. SwissTrades365 reserves the right to assign this Agreement or any rights and/or obligations herein without your consent.

SwissTrades365 reserves the right to modify the Terms of this Agreement periodically by posting the revised Terms on the Site. You are responsible for verifying whether the Agreement has been amended. Any amendments shall become effective on the day they are published on the Site. If you do not consent to be bound by the revised Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, refrain from using or accessing our Services, and promptly notify us in writing.